As 2014 begins, I’m going to take a little while away with my family, to plan out a game plan for the new year and to rest up after a non-stop blur of activity that whirred on from my election as president until now, not to mention navigating this new life of living in two cities at once. I’ll be unplugging totally during that time, from email and from various social media.
I plan to connect with my family rather than with Congress, listen to Jimmy Buffett rather than C-SPAN, and read my Bible and not also Supreme Court briefs for a few days.
But, when I get back, there is a lot happening, especially in terms of what we’ll be doing here. And there’s a new audio program coming that I’m really excited about. On top of that, there are lots of new ERLC initiatives to help equip churches and families for what the kingdom of God will be up to (and up against) in 2014.
As Mr. Rogers would say, “I’ll have things I’ll want to talk about; you will too.”
Thank you for reading and interacting with me here and elsewhere. I can’t adequately express how grateful I am for the support and prayer I’ve had from all of you. Some of you are part of my Baptist tribe, and some of you aren’t. Some of you aren’t even yet believers in Jesus, but so many of you have shown such kindness. I count that as a grace from God.
See you in a bit.