I’m really excited about some upcoming events on adoption and orphan care, and I want you to consider attending them with me.
The Christian Alliance for Orphans, under the faithful leadership of my friend Jedd Medefind, is hosting their gathering this year—Summit VII—in Louisville, Ky., on May 12-13, 2011. The Christian Alliance for Orphans is consistently on the cutting edge of adoption and orphan care, equipping believers to think biblically about our adopting Father God and the church’s mandate to care for orphans.
In conjunction with Summit VII, I’ll be hosting the first ever Adopting for Life Pastors’ and Leaders’ dinner on Wednesday, May 11, at 5:30 p.m. I’ve invited Dennis and Barbara Rainey of FamilyLife to be there with us, as well. (I am constantly grateful for the Raineys and their one-of-a-kind leadership of the church for families and, specifically, for orphans.)
At the dinner you’ll meet people who are thinking like you about issues related to adoption and orphan care. Some of them are ministers or church leaders—and we do want to invite especially ministers and their wives—who want to lead their people to care for widows and orphans. Some are families wondering if God is calling them to adopt. Some are folks who were adopted, or families who have adopted and are thinking through how to deal with some special issues.
You can find a schedule of the evening’s events here, and register for the dinner here.
I do hope to see you at Summit VII and the Adopting for Life Pastors’ and Leaders’ dinner as we think together about what it means to be faithful to the gospel, to be faithful to caring for orphans.