Courtney Tarter, who serves on my staff here at Southern Seminary, has written a timely Augustinian word on what it means to be a “recovering feminist.” The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood links to Courtney’s article here.
Miss Tarter (I wouldn’t dare call her “Ms.”) is exactly right. It is often difficult to recognize folly because we live and move in it all the time in our culture, including in the culture of our churches. Thus it is quite easy to mistake assenting to ideas for wisdom, and to believe that a Christian version of Ann Coulter is the Proverbs 31 woman, or that a regenerate Arnold Schwarzenegger is a Psalm 1 man.
Read Courtney’s piece here. If more of our churches pondered the questions she raised, there would be more recovering feminists, and fewer recovering biblicists, among us.