Brian Vickers is a world-class NASCAR driver. But with rising gas prices, he is moonlighting as a world-class New Testament scholar.
Crossway Books has announced the forthcoming release (in October 2006) of Brian Vickers’ first book, Jesus’ Blood and Righteousness: Paul’s Theology of Imputation. Vickers is assistant professor of New Testament here in the School of Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. I eagerly anticipate the release of Dr. Vickers’ work, as it relates to a crucial aspect of Christian doctrine and the Christian life, especially in light of ongoing discussions about what our union with Christ has to do with his obedience to the Father. Put Jesus’ Blood and Righteousness on your wish list. You’ll want to read it when it comes off the printing presses.
One more thing: I know people will try to convince you that the NASCAR Vickers and the NT Vickers are two different Vickers. As a Mississippian, I know that the West Virginian Vickers I know is up to more than just scholarship and ministry. There’s got to be some recreation in there somewhere. And I’ve never seen the two in the same place at the same time. Plus, I’ve seen him drive.