Charles Colson’s Breakpoint commentary takes on an issue with which many of us struggle: the vapidity of much worship music. Colson writes:
When church music directors lead the congregation in singing some praise music, I often listen stoically with teeth clenched. But one Sunday morning, I cracked. We had been led through endless repetitions of a meaningless ditty called, “Draw Me Close to You.” The song has zero theological content and could be sung in a nightclub, for that matter. When I thought it was finally and mercifully over, the music leader beamed at us and said in a cheerful voice, “Let’s sing that again, shall we?” “No!” I shouted loudly. Heads all around me spun while my wife cringed.
Colson points out how evangelical worship music is indicative of trends seen elsewhere, in, for instance, Christian radio. I’ll have more to say about this later, but I commend Colson’s lamentation.