
Evangelicals and Global…Brrrr…Warming

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Timmy Brister, a master’s student at Southern Seminary where I serve as veep, has pointed out the convergence of two events of the past weekend: the release of the evangelical manifesto on global warming and the East Coast’s most bitterly cold winter front in ages.

I know, I know. Global warming doesn’t just mean things get uniformly hotter which is why the preferred term of art these days is “global climate change.” Still, one must admit, it would have made for a more effective roll-out of the manifesto if the snowstorm had hit, say, Yuma, Arizona, while in Portland, Oregon, fiery mutant children were seen playing with gigantic mushrooms beneath the blood-red moon.

This doesn’t change the argument of the initiative. I take it seriously and have many friends who signed it. I didn’t, and perhaps later I’ll write on why. But even so, evangelicals on either side of the global warning issue must wonder whether this weekend was the result of spiritual warfare or of intelligent design.

Only when we see how lost we are, we can find our way again. Only when we bury what’s dead can we experience life again. Only when we lose our religion can we be amazed by grace again.


About Russell Moore

Russell Moore is Editor in Chief of Christianity Today and is the author of the forthcoming book Losing Our Religion: An Altar Call for Evangelical America (Penguin Random House).
