
More on the Depopulating Left

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I don’t agree with many of National Review’s John Derbyshire’s conclusions on parenting, but he does have an interesting take on one recent item: an Arkansas mother giving birth to her sixteenth child. This is especially relevant given our recent discussions here on dwindling childbearing among the so-called “mainline” Protestant segment of American Christianity. Writes Mr. Derbyshire:

A normal person’s reaction, on hearing about this, would be: “God bless them! But how on earth do they manage financially?” The United States is running a bit short of normal people, though, and filling up with types like SF Gate columnist Mark Morford, who wondered aloud:

Why does this sort of bizarre hyperbreeding only seem to afflict antiseptic megareligious families from the Midwest? In other words — assuming Michelle and Jim Bob and their brood of cookie-cutter Christian kidbots will never be allowed near a decent pair of designer jeans or a tolerable haircut from a recent decade, and assuming that they will all be tragically encoded with the values of the homophobic asexual Christian right — where are the forces that shall help neutralize their effect on culture? Where is the counterbalance to offset the damage?

(Doesn’t that word “asexual” seem a bit out of place in this context? Whatever.) What you are hearing there is the squeal of fear that comes from a liberal who notices a thing he’d much rather not notice: that the only truly philoprogenitive groups in the world are religious minorities — fundamentalist Christians, Mormons, Orthodox Jews, devout Muslims. Whatever you think about atheism intellectually or spiritually, it’s a Darwinian bust… whatever you think about Darwin.

Only when we see how lost we are, we can find our way again. Only when we bury what’s dead can we experience life again. Only when we lose our religion can we be amazed by grace again.


About Russell Moore

Russell Moore is Editor in Chief of Christianity Today and is the author of the forthcoming book Losing Our Religion: An Altar Call for Evangelical America (Penguin Random House).
